How Oklahoma Human Services is Reducing Physical Paper
With OKDHS Product Manager Nick Gribnau
Navigating the Digital Transition
In the fast-paced world of digital transformation, adapting to new ways of working is a necessity. A few years ago, the State of Oklahoma found itself facing the challenge of transitioning to digital document management across various departments. The journey was complex, intriguing, and ultimately transformative, leading them to embrace solutions like OnBase and appreciate the contributions of partners like Databank.
A Shift to Digital: The Beginning
As Nick Gribnau, a product manager with 14 years of experience at the State of Oklahoma, reflects on this journey, he recalls the interesting and impactful process of moving from physical paper to digital document management systems. The move wasn't just about technology; it was a cultural shift that required careful planning and execution.
The initial phases, starting in May 2020 and extending to August 2020, focused on establishing a digital baseline. The team created a structured file system for 18 divisions within the Department of Human Services (DHS). They developed specific scan plans for office closures and managed to close 44 physical offices out of 90 across the state, effectively reducing their physical footprint by half within 11 months.
Digitization Challenges and Triumphs
The digitization process wasn't without its challenges. The team faced the monumental task of converting over 30 million pieces of paper to digital format within a span of just six months. Different divisions required distinct strategies, such as chunking documents for scanning and indexing based on case numbers and customer names. Despite the hurdles, they successfully digitized a massive physical footprint.
One particularly interesting project was the automation of document routing for the Child Support division. Using barcoding technology, they ensured that all system-generated documents were affixed with a three-dimensional barcode. This enabled the system to automatically index documents based on autofill and document type information, streamlining the process and reducing manual effort.
Empowering Mobile Access and Streamlining Workflows
The State of Oklahoma recognized the importance of mobile access in the modern workplace. They developed a mobile app for OnBase, enabling workers in the field to retrieve, import, and sign documents on the go. This not only increased efficiency but also reduced the need for carrying physical paperwork, ensuring compliance with federal guidelines.
The integration of digital signatures was another significant step forward. The team aimed to enable various levels of digital signatures, from basic scribble forms to more advanced options. This move would further streamline processes and enhance user experiences.
From Challenges to Innovations
Transitioning to a digital document management system wasn't a smooth ride all the way. The State of Oklahoma faced the intricacies of connecting legacy systems with modern solutions. Integrating live data synchronization and enabling real-time data display became an intricate process, often likened to the complexity of connecting disparate technologies.
The Road Ahead: Global Document Repository and More
The journey doesn't stop here. The State of Oklahoma is continually evolving its digital document management strategy. One of their upcoming phases involves creating a global document repository. This repository aims to centralize frequently requested documents like driver's licenses, birth certificates, and social security cards, thereby reducing the burden on both staff and customers.
Additionally, the state is working towards providing external access to this repository through a portal system. Customers will be able to access their submitted documents and historical notices, easing their interaction with state services.
Embracing the Digital Age
The State of Oklahoma's transition to digital document management is an inspiring journey that highlights both the challenges and triumphs of modernization. From the massive task of digitizing millions of pages to integrating cutting-edge technologies like barcoding and mobile apps, their story reflects their dedication to efficiency, customer service, and compliance with regulations.
As the journey continues, the State of Oklahoma remains committed to optimizing its document management systems, improving workflows, and enhancing accessibility. In a world where paper may never completely disappear, the state's proactive approach to digital solutions ensures they stay at the forefront of innovation and service delivery.