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How to architect solutions

Featured brew: The Key to Happiness by Fair State Brewing Co.
Adam Herrmann
Scott Overby, Solution Architect - DataBank IMX;
Jim Erb, Director of Professional Services- Private Sector - DataBank IMX; 

About this episode

If you’re working in software or at a service provider like DataBank, Solution Architect is a common job title and one that we value immensely; they play a critical role in aligning IT strategy with the needs of the business. But if you’re like many of our clients in other industries they’re harder to find and often the “solution architecting” is done by one person already wearing many different hats. However your organization is structured, the work of architecting a solution is something we never recommend skipping to save time or money.

In this episode, Adam talks to a current and former Solution Architect to get their thoughts on how users can work to architect their own solutions like a pro - what matters when you’re DIY-ing, practical tips for upfront planning and discovery, and some wins and losses we can all learn from.


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