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Why cloud is a journey, not a destination

Featured brew: Fairy Nectar by Kros Strain Brewing Co.
Adam Herrmann
Kendra Deutsch, Professional Services Delivery Team - DataBank IMX;
Patrick Higgins, Director of Professional Services - DataBank IMX; 

About this episode

With GenAI taking the spotlight in the last couple of years, cloud isn’t quite the buzzword it was in 2019. If anything, it’s become more normalized and an expected piece of an organization’s IT strategy, and in some industries and sectors it’s even a requirement. Accenture declared 2023 the year of cloud value, so what does that mean for 2024?

In this episode Adam, Kendra, and Pat discuss some of the biggest misconceptions we’ve encountered, lessons learned from our years implementing many instances of cloud, and what next-level value looks like for hosting ECM in the cloud.


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